Editorial Policies
- Editorial Policies
- Creative Commons License
- Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
- Peer Review Process
- Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosures (specific to editors)
- COPE Recommendation for Conflict of Interest (specific to editors)
- Publisher Policies
- COPE Recommendation for Plagiarism
- Editorial Process
- Advertisement Policies
1.Editorial Policies
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) follows a strict set of editorial policies designed to maintain the quality, integrity, and consistency of the journal's content. These policies encompass various aspects of the editorial process, from the selection of topics to the final publication of research articles. The editorial board ensures that all submitted manuscripts meet the journal’s academic standards and are relevant to the field of management and business strategy. The journal emphasizes fairness, transparency, and impartiality in its editorial decisions. Peer review is central to the process, with all manuscripts evaluated by qualified experts in the field. The editorial team is committed to ethical publishing practices, following guidelines provided by reputable organizations such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The policies are regularly reviewed to ensure they meet evolving academic and industry standards
2. Creative Commons License
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) follows a Creative Commons licensing model to promote open access and the widespread sharing of academic research. Authors are encouraged to license their works under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, which allows others to freely share, copy, redistribute, and adapt the research for non-commercial purposes, as long as proper attribution is given to the original author(s). The journal provides authors with the flexibility to choose different Creative Commons licenses based on their preferences. This open-access policy ensures that research published in IJMRBS is freely available to a wide audience, including scholars, practitioners, and policymakers, and that it can be reused and built upon by others in the academic community.
3. Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) upholds rigorous ethical standards to ensure the integrity and credibility of the research it publishes. The journal follows a publication ethics and malpractice statement that aligns with the guidelines set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). This policy covers several important aspects, including authorship, plagiarism, data fabrication, and conflict of interest. The journal expects all authors to be transparent about their research methods, provide accurate data, and acknowledge any potential conflicts of interest. Manuscripts must be original and properly cite prior work. The editorial team investigates any allegations of unethical practices and takes appropriate action, including retraction or correction of articles if necessary, to maintain the journal's high standards of academic integrity.
4. Peer Review Process
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) employs a double-blind peer review process to ensure unbiased evaluation of manuscripts. Under this system, both the identities of the authors and the reviewers are kept confidential to prevent any personal biases from influencing the review process. The journal seeks qualified experts in the field of management and business strategy to assess the quality, originality, and relevance of each submission. Reviewers provide constructive feedback on the manuscript, which is then shared with the authors for revisions. This process ensures that only high-quality, well-researched articles are published in the journal. The peer review process is transparent and efficient, aiming for timely and fair evaluations to support the academic community.
5. Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosures (specific to editors)
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) requires editors to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence their editorial decisions. Editors must ensure that their decisions are based solely on the scientific merit of the manuscript, without any personal or financial interests affecting the outcome. If editors have any financial, academic, or personal ties to the research being evaluated, they are required to recuse themselves from the decision-making process. This policy is in place to protect the integrity of the editorial process and maintain the trust of the academic community. Additionally, all financial disclosures related to research funding or any other potential conflicts are clearly stated in the manuscript, ensuring transparency throughout the publishing process.
6. COPE Recommendation for Conflict of Interest (specific to editors)
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) adheres to the guidelines provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) regarding conflicts of interest specific to editors. According to COPE recommendations, editors must avoid any situations where personal interests could compromise the integrity of the editorial process. If an editor has a potential conflict of interest—such as a direct professional relationship or financial interest in a manuscript—they must disclose it to the editorial board and recuse themselves from handling the manuscript. This ensures that the editorial process remains impartial and that all decisions are made based on the quality and relevance of the research, rather than any personal or professional biases.
7. Publisher Policies
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) follows a set of publisher policies that govern the journal’s editorial, production, and distribution processes. These policies ensure that the journal operates with integrity and aligns with the best practices in academic publishing. The publisher’s policies include guidelines on manuscript submission, peer review, open access, copyright, and ethical standards. The journal also follows transparent pricing models for Article Processing Charges (APC) and offers waivers to authors in low-income countries. By adhering to these policies, the journal ensures the efficient and ethical dissemination of research and contributes to the wider academic community. The publisher works to foster a fair and inclusive publishing environment that benefits both authors and readers.
8. COPE Recommendation for Plagiarism
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) follows the guidelines set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) regarding plagiarism. Authors are required to submit original work that does not involve any form of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. Manuscripts that appear to have plagiarized content—whether from other published sources, research, or even unpublished work—are rejected at the submission stage. The journal uses plagiarism detection tools to help identify any instances of copied content. If plagiarism is detected after publication, the journal will take appropriate action, which may include issuing a retraction, correction, or public statement. This policy ensures that the research published in the journal maintains high academic and ethical standards.
9. Editorial Process
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) follows a rigorous editorial process to ensure the quality and relevance of the research published. Upon submission, manuscripts are first screened by the editorial team to check for alignment with the journal’s scope. If the manuscript passes this initial review, it is sent out for double-blind peer review, where qualified experts in the field evaluate its scientific merit, methodology, and originality. Based on the reviewers’ feedback, the editorial team makes a decision on whether to accept, revise, or reject the manuscript. Authors are given an opportunity to revise their manuscript before it is accepted for publication. Once accepted, the article undergoes final editing and formatting before being published. This process ensures that only high-quality, well-researched articles are published in the journal.
10. Advertisement Policies
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) allows advertisements to be included in its online platform under strict guidelines. Advertisements are accepted from third parties, but the journal ensures that these ads do not interfere with the academic nature of the publication. Advertisements are clearly labeled and placed in designated areas of the journal’s website or digital platforms. The journal does not allow any promotional material related to the content of its published articles, ensuring that advertisements do not influence the integrity or neutrality of the research published. By following these guidelines, the journal maintains its focus on academic integrity while allowing for financial support through advertising.