Author Policies
- Copyright Policy
- Human and Animal Rights Policy
- Submission of Manuscript
- Complaints Policy
- Open Access Policy
- Rights and Grants to the Author
- Plagiarism Policy
- English Language Editing
- Article Processing Charge
- Check List
- Author’s Agreement Form
- Sample Paper
- Manuscript Preparation
- Participant/Patient Privacy and Informed Consent
- Withdrawal Policy
- Data Sharing Policy
- Digital Preservation
- Errata, Retractions, and Corrigenda Policy
- APC Waiver Policy
- Licensing Policy
- Copyright Policy
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) follows a clear copyright policy to protect authors' intellectual property while facilitating global access to research. Upon manuscript acceptance, the copyright is typically transferred to the journal, allowing it to reproduce, distribute, and display the work. However, authors may retain certain rights, such as using their work in future publications or presentations, provided the original publication is cited.
The journal adheres to an open-access publishing model, ensuring that all published articles are freely accessible to readers. This broadens the reach and impact of research, particularly in management and business strategy. Authors are encouraged to license their articles under Creative Commons (CC) licenses, which allow others to reuse and share the work with appropriate attribution.
Authors are responsible for ensuring that their work does not infringe on others' copyrights. If the manuscript includes third-party material, such as images or tables, authors must obtain the necessary permissions. Plagiarism or any form of copyright infringement will lead to manuscript rejection. The policy encourages a transparent, ethical publishing environment where authors retain recognition for their work, while promoting the dissemination of knowledge through open access.
By adopting this policy, the journal aims to contribute to the global knowledge ecosystem while respecting the legal and ethical boundaries of academic publishing.
- Human and Animal Rights Policy
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) is committed to ensuring that all research involving human or animal subjects adheres to high ethical standards. For studies involving human participants, authors must obtain approval from an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Ethics Committee, ensuring that the research complies with ethical guidelines, such as the Declaration of Helsinki. Manuscripts must include a statement confirming this approval and explain how informed consent was obtained from participants.
Informed consent requires that participants are fully aware of the nature of the research, any potential risks, and their right to withdraw at any time without penalty. The privacy and confidentiality of participants must be protected throughout the study.
For research involving animals, the International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy requires compliance with national and international animal welfare regulations, such as the Animal Welfare Act. Authors must ensure that the use of animals is justified and that alternatives have been considered. Additionally, researchers should minimize harm and suffering by following guidelines that promote humane treatment.
Failure to comply with these ethical standards will result in the rejection of the manuscript. The journal aims to promote ethical and responsible research practices, ensuring the welfare of both human and animal participants and maintaining the integrity of scientific research.
- Submission of Manuscript
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) follows a structured and transparent manuscript submission process. Authors are required to submit manuscripts electronically through the journal’s online submission platform. Before submission, authors must ensure that their work complies with the journal's formatting and reference style guidelines to streamline the review process. Manuscripts should include a title, abstract, keywords, and the main text, which must be clear, concise, and free of errors.
Along with the manuscript, authors must submit a cover letter that briefly explains the manuscript’s significance, relevance to the journal’s scope, and confirms that the work has not been published elsewhere nor is under consideration by another journal. Authors must also disclose any conflicts of interest or funding sources that may affect the research.
Once submitted, the manuscript undergoes an initial editorial review to ensure it aligns with the journal’s scope. If deemed appropriate, the manuscript is sent for double-blind peer review. Reviewers evaluate the quality, originality, and scientific rigor of the work. Authors may be asked to revise their manuscript based on the reviewers’ feedback before it is considered for publication.
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy ensures a transparent and rigorous peer review process, aiming to publish high-quality research that contributes to the field of management and business strategy.
- Complaints Policy
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) is committed to maintaining transparency and fairness in its editorial and publishing processes. The journal provides a clear complaints policy to address concerns raised by authors, reviewers, or readers. If an author believes that their manuscript has been handled unfairly or feels there has been an error in the editorial or peer review process, they are encouraged to submit a formal complaint to the journal’s editorial office.
Once a complaint is received, the editorial team reviews the details and takes appropriate action, which may involve revising editorial decisions, consulting external experts, or issuing a correction if needed. The journal adheres to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines in handling complaints.
The journal also addresses complaints related to plagiarism, conflicts of interest, and ethical misconduct. If an article is found to have violated ethical standards, the journal may retract it, issue an erratum, or take other corrective actions. The aim is to maintain the integrity of the research published in the journal.
In the case of disputes, authors may appeal decisions, but the final decision rests with the editorial team. By providing a transparent complaints process, the journal upholds academic integrity and ensures that all parties are treated fairly.
- Open Access Policy
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) follows an open access policy to make research freely available to readers worldwide. The journal’s open access model ensures that published articles can be accessed without paywalls or subscription fees, promoting the broad dissemination of research in management and business strategy. By adopting this model, the journal contributes to the global exchange of knowledge and facilitates the visibility and impact of published research.
The journal applies Creative Commons licenses to its content, typically using the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. This license allows others to freely distribute, remix, and build upon the work, provided that proper credit is given to the original authors. Authors are encouraged to use these licenses to ensure maximum reach and impact of their research.
Open access benefits authors by increasing the visibility and citation potential of their work, as articles are accessible to a global audience without financial barriers. Additionally, the journal offers an Article Processing Charge (APC) for accepted manuscripts, which helps cover the costs of publishing and maintaining the open-access platform.
For authors who cannot afford the APC, the journal provides waivers or discounts, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder the publication of valuable research. Through this policy, the International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy seeks to promote knowledge sharing, academic collaboration, and global access to important research in management and business strategy.
- Rights and Grants to the Author
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) acknowledges that authors should retain control over their intellectual property while ensuring the wide dissemination of their research. Upon acceptance, the copyright for the manuscript typically transfers to the journal, but authors retain certain rights. These rights include using the work in future publications, presentations, and sharing it in personal academic repositories, provided they cite the original publication in the journal. Authors may also grant non-exclusive rights to distribute the work under open access licenses, such as Creative Commons, to ensure the research reaches a global audience.
The journal also acknowledges the contribution of authors by granting them rights over their own research data. Authors are encouraged to deposit research data in public repositories or make it accessible upon request, ensuring transparency and reproducibility. However, the authors must ensure they have obtained proper permissions for any third-party data used in their manuscripts.
The journal’s policy is designed to facilitate the wide dissemination of high-quality research while maintaining the authors' ability to reuse their work in future academic pursuits. By allowing authors to retain certain rights, IJMRBS aims to create a mutually beneficial relationship that promotes both the advancement of knowledge and the career development of the authors.
- Plagiarism Policy
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) upholds strict standards against plagiarism in academic publishing. The journal employs advanced plagiarism detection tools and processes to ensure that all submitted manuscripts are free from plagiarism and properly cite all sources. Authors are required to confirm that their manuscript is original and has not been published elsewhere. Any work that contains copied text, data, or ideas without proper attribution will be immediately rejected. If plagiarism is detected after publication, the journal reserves the right to retract the article and take necessary actions, including reporting the misconduct to the author’s institution.
Plagiarism is defined broadly in the journal’s policy, including not only verbatim copying of text but also paraphrasing without proper citation, the use of images, graphs, or tables without permission, and the inclusion of data that was not generated by the author. The journal expects authors to follow proper citation practices, and any instance of plagiarism, intentional or unintentional, is treated seriously.
The journal is committed to maintaining the integrity of the academic publishing process and ensures that all articles published under its name are ethically sound. By adhering to these strict anti-plagiarism policies, IJMRBS ensures that it publishes only original, ethically conducted research that contributes genuinely to the academic field.
- English Language Editing
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) encourages authors to ensure that their manuscripts are written in clear and professional English. Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be written in English, and authors whose first language is not English are strongly encouraged to have their papers reviewed or edited by a professional language editor before submission. The journal provides authors with a list of reputable language editing services to help improve the readability, structure, and language quality of the manuscript.
While the journal does not provide direct language editing services, it is critical for authors to submit work that is free from language errors, as this will facilitate the review process and improve the likelihood of acceptance. Poor language quality can impede the reviewers’ ability to assess the scientific content of the work. Submissions that do not meet language standards will be returned to authors for revision before formal peer review begins.
The aim of this policy is to ensure that high-quality research is presented in a professional manner, which will be easily understood by a broad international audience. IJMRBS is committed to publishing research that is scientifically sound, well-structured, and clearly communicated, to ensure that the valuable ideas and findings can have the maximum impact.
- Article Processing Charge (APC)
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) operates under an open-access model, meaning that all published articles are freely accessible to readers worldwide. To support the costs associated with maintaining this model, the journal charges an Article Processing Charge (APC) to authors whose manuscripts are accepted for publication. The APC covers various expenses, including peer review management, copyediting, typesetting, online hosting, and promotion of articles to ensure high visibility.
The standard APC for publishing in IJMRBS is communicated to authors upon acceptance of their manuscript, and the fee is payable once the article is accepted for publication. However, to support global academic diversity, the journal offers discounts or waivers for authors from low-income countries, or for those who face financial hardship. Authors can apply for an APC waiver when submitting their manuscript, and the editorial team evaluates each request on a case-by-case basis.
The APC policy ensures the journal's sustainability and ability to provide quality services while keeping articles accessible to anyone, anywhere, for free. The journal is committed to making high-quality research available to the academic community, policymakers, and industry professionals without barriers or subscription fees. By adopting the open-access model, the journal facilitates the global dissemination of knowledge, which is a core value for advancing academic research in management and business strategy.
- Check List
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) provides authors with a detailed checklist to ensure their manuscript meets all necessary requirements before submission. The checklist helps streamline the submission process, reducing the likelihood of errors or omissions that might delay the review or publication process. Authors are encouraged to review the checklist carefully before submitting their manuscripts to ensure all necessary components are included.
The typical checklist includes confirming the following items: manuscript formatting (correct font, size, margins, and structure), title and abstract (clear, concise, and relevant), appropriate keyword selection, and adherence to the referencing style outlined by the journal. Authors must also verify that all figures and tables are properly cited, and that any third-party material used in the manuscript has the necessary permissions.
Additionally, the checklist includes ensuring the manuscript includes a cover letter, ethical compliance declarations, and conflict of interest statements, where applicable. This checklist helps authors avoid common submission mistakes, ensuring that the review process can proceed smoothly and efficiently. The journal’s editorial team reviews all submissions against the checklist criteria, and manuscripts that do not meet these requirements may be returned to authors for revision.
By providing this checklist, the journal aims to maintain high standards in the quality and professionalism of the submissions, contributing to a more efficient editorial workflow and ultimately ensuring a higher standard of published research.
- Author’s Agreement Form
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) requires authors to sign an Author’s Agreement Form upon manuscript acceptance. This form serves to formalize the understanding between the author and the journal regarding the publication and distribution of the manuscript. The form outlines the terms under which the manuscript will be published, including the author’s confirmation of originality, the transfer of copyright (or retention of certain rights, depending on the arrangement), and the agreement to comply with the journal’s ethical standards.
The Author’s Agreement Form also includes a statement that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration by any other journal. The form asks authors to disclose any conflicts of interest or funding sources that may have influenced the research, ensuring transparency and preventing potential biases. It also covers the author’s responsibility for the accuracy of the data and the ethical treatment of participants, as outlined in the journal’s human and animal rights policies.
The purpose of the Author’s Agreement Form is to protect both the author’s intellectual property and the journal’s right to publish and distribute the research. It provides legal clarity and ensures that all parties are aligned in terms of rights, responsibilities, and ethical obligations. Authors must submit the signed form before publication, which is a mandatory step in the final stages of the manuscript review and publishing process.
- Sample Paper
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) offers a sample paper on its website to assist authors in preparing their manuscript for submission. The sample paper serves as a model for authors to follow in terms of formatting, structure, and style. By providing a template, the journal ensures that authors understand the specific requirements for submission and helps streamline the editorial process.
The sample paper typically includes guidelines for the proper layout of the manuscript, including how to format the title page, abstract, keywords, and the main body of the text. It also provides examples of correct citation and referencing styles, which is critical for authors to follow to ensure their work meets the journal’s standards. Additionally, the sample paper demonstrates the proper use of tables, figures, and appendices, helping authors avoid common formatting mistakes.
By using the sample paper as a reference, authors can ensure that their submission adheres to the journal’s submission guidelines, making the process more efficient for both authors and reviewers. This resource also helps authors who may be new to academic publishing, offering them a clear and professional format that will increase the likelihood of successful submission and peer review.
- Manuscript Preparation
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) provides detailed guidelines on manuscript preparation to ensure that all submitted articles are consistent with the journal’s standards. Authors are expected to follow these guidelines carefully to improve the chances of successful submission and peer review. Manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft Word format and adhere to the journal’s style, which includes specific requirements for font type, size, line spacing, and margins. The journal recommends a clear and concise writing style that avoids unnecessary jargon, making the research accessible to a global audience.
In addition to formatting, the manuscript must include a title page with the title of the paper, the names of the authors, their affiliations, and corresponding contact information. The abstract should summarize the main objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions of the research in 150-250 words. Keywords are also required to help index the paper and make it more discoverable.
The main body of the manuscript should be structured logically, typically divided into sections such as Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. Authors must ensure that all references are cited properly in the text and listed according to the journal’s preferred citation style.
By following these detailed manuscript preparation guidelines, authors can facilitate the smooth and efficient review process, ensuring that their research is considered for publication in a timely manner.
- Participant/Patient Privacy and Informed Consent
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) is dedicated to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of participants involved in research published in the journal. Authors must adhere to strict ethical standards to ensure that participants' personal information is protected. This includes securing informed consent from individuals involved in studies and ensuring that data collection follows ethical guidelines.
Informed consent is a fundamental principle of research involving human participants, and it must be obtained from all participants before the study begins. The informed consent document should clearly explain the nature of the research, the procedures involved, any potential risks, and the participant’s right to withdraw from the study at any time without penalty. The consent form must also specify how the participants' data will be used, stored, and protected, including any third parties who may have access to the data.
In cases where personal identification information is collected, the data should be anonymized or pseudonymized to further protect participant privacy. Authors should ensure that data sharing or publication does not disclose any personally identifiable information unless explicit consent has been obtained.
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy requires authors to include a statement in their manuscript confirming that informed consent was obtained and that ethical guidelines were followed. Non-compliance with these guidelines could result in the rejection of the manuscript. The journal’s primary goal is to maintain ethical standards that protect participants' rights and ensure the integrity of published research.
- Withdrawal Policy
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) has a clearly defined withdrawal policy for authors who wish to withdraw their manuscript during the submission or review process. Once a manuscript is submitted for review, the authors have the option to withdraw the article at any point before it is formally accepted for publication. If an author wishes to withdraw their manuscript, they must formally notify the editorial office, providing clear reasons for the withdrawal.
If a manuscript is withdrawn after the peer review process has begun, authors must be aware that any work done during the review process may not be refunded, as it still requires editorial and peer review resources. If the manuscript has already been accepted for publication, authors may request withdrawal, but this will only be granted under exceptional circumstances, such as ethical concerns, or issues with the data or authorship.
Once a manuscript is published, it cannot be withdrawn from the journal. However, if there are significant errors or ethical concerns with the content, the journal may issue a correction, retraction, or erratum as appropriate. Authors are encouraged to carefully review their manuscripts and ensure that the data and conclusions presented are accurate before submission.
This withdrawal policy ensures that the editorial process remains transparent and efficient while respecting the rights of authors to withdraw their work if necessary.
- Data Sharing Policy
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) strongly supports data sharing as a key aspect of scientific transparency and reproducibility. In line with best practices in academic publishing, authors are encouraged to make the datasets underlying their research publicly available, provided that such sharing does not compromise confidentiality, privacy, or intellectual property rights.
Authors must ensure that any data shared adheres to ethical standards, especially when it involves human participants or sensitive information. Datasets should be stored in reputable, publicly accessible repositories or included as supplementary material alongside the published manuscript, depending on the nature of the data. Authors should also provide a clear description of how the data was collected, processed, and analyzed, ensuring that others can replicate the study if desired.
The journal’s data sharing policy aligns with open-access principles, promoting transparency and the validation of research findings. Authors must also be prepared to respond to requests for access to their datasets from other researchers, provided that proper ethical standards are followed.
In cases where data sharing is not feasible (due to legal or ethical restrictions), authors must explain the reasons for this in the manuscript, and the editorial team will consider these justifications before publication. By encouraging data sharing, IJMRBS aims to promote the integrity and reproducibility of research in management and business strategy.
- Digital Preservation
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) is committed to ensuring the long-term availability and accessibility of the research it publishes. As part of this commitment, the journal employs digital preservation strategies that ensure that all published content is safely archived and can be accessed in the future.
The journal works with trusted archiving services and repositories, including LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and Portico, to preserve articles for long-term access. These systems provide distributed digital storage and retrieval, ensuring that even if the journal’s website or hosting platform becomes inaccessible, the published research remains available for future use.
In addition to archiving published articles, the journal encourages authors to upload supplementary materials, datasets, or additional research content to open-access repositories or institutional archives to further ensure that their research remains accessible.
Digital preservation is essential for maintaining the integrity and longevity of the research published in IJMRBS. By following best practices in digital preservation, the journal aims to contribute to the long-term academic record and ensure that research can continue to be accessed, cited, and used by the academic community, policymakers, and industry professionals.
- Errata, Retractions, and Corrigenda Policy
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) takes the accuracy and integrity of published research very seriously. In cases where errors or issues are identified in a published article, the journal has a clear policy for handling errata, retractions, and corrigenda.
Errata refer to minor errors in the published work, such as typographical mistakes or minor inaccuracies in data that do not affect the overall conclusions of the study. In such cases, the journal may publish an erratum to correct the error.
Retractions occur when there are significant ethical or scientific issues with the published paper, such as evidence of data fabrication, plagiarism, or major errors that invalidate the research. Retractions are made in cases of misconduct or when the integrity of the research cannot be guaranteed. If an article is retracted, the journal will publish a formal notice of retraction, and the article will remain available but marked as retracted.
Corrigenda are used to correct significant errors that affect the conclusions of the paper but are not so severe as to require retraction. A corrigendum is published to address the corrections needed in the article, and both the original article and the corrigendum will be clearly linked for reference.
This policy ensures that the journal maintains the highest standards of research integrity and that published work is accurate, ethical, and credible.
- Licensing Policy
The International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) follows a flexible licensing policy to accommodate the diverse needs of authors and ensure that the work they publish is both accessible and legally protected. The journal offers a range of licensing options, including Creative Commons licenses, which allow authors to retain control over their work while providing free access to readers.
Authors are encouraged to license their work under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, which permits others to reuse, remix, and distribute the article freely, as long as proper attribution is given to the original author(s). This open-access licensing model helps to maximize the reach and impact of the published work, ensuring that it is available to researchers, students, practitioners, and policymakers worldwide.
In addition to the standard Creative Commons licenses, the journal also provides the option for authors to choose other types of licenses based on their preferences and needs. Authors are fully informed about the implications of each license type, and the licensing options are clearly outlined during the submission process.
By offering flexible licensing options, the International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy ensures that authors can make informed decisions about how their research is shared and used, while promoting the widespread distribution of high-quality research in the field of management and business strategy.